
Friday, October 17, 2008

Decorating Idea!

As you all know, Garrett and I are in the middle of moving into our new home! Moving is going well, very slow but well. As we have been moving i have been trying to think of how i could decorate the house so it doesn't look and feel so empty. Well.... I found the cutest paintings that i want to get and put in the kitchen! There are tons of cute ones it is so hard to decide! Let me know what you think! These are just a couple of the ones i like, there are lots more!


Natasia said...

i like the last two except the big butts ha ha.

Chelle! said...

Yea, I love decorating!! Your new little home is going to be so cute!!

¡Vieve! said...

I like the one with the two chefs drinking the wine. I hope your house turns out fab!

B & G

My photo
Garrett and i dated for 4 years before we got married, we thought we had experienced everything together. Little did we know, being married is even more of an experience! Just the thought of knowing, my best friend will be with me every waking moment, everytime i need some cheering up, and anytime i need a good laugh, is the best feeling ever! I love my husband with all my heart! I am truly the happiest i have ever been! Guess thats the latest thoughts on the Curtis family! We are happier then ever!

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